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Originally adopted September 2010

Amended April 2019


District 22 Goodwill Committee


A. The Committee

The District 22 Goodwill Committee, hereafter referred to as the D22 GW Committee, is hereby formed in the spirit of the ACBL Aileen Osofsky Goodwill Committee, as set forth in Appendix E of the ACBL Bylaws.


B. Slogan

Members of the D22 GW Committee will subscribe to the ACBL Goodwill Committee slogan, “It is nice to be important but more important to be nice.”


C. Founding Members

The District 22 Board of Directors as of September 1, 2010 is hereby known as the “founding members”: Warren Cederborg, Teri Atkinson, Francis Foresta, John Kissinger, Irv Kostal, Rex Latus, Fran Schwartz, Jon Wright, and National Board Representative Ken Monzingo.


D. Initial Members

Barring expulsion or suspension by the District 22 or the ACBL, membership on the D22 GW Committee is a lifetime appointment. This committee is composed of all of the past and present District 22 appointments to the ACBL Aileen Osofsky Goodwill Committee, along with the founding members.


E. New Members

All District 22 board members will automatically become part of this committee, along with up to nine new members to be named annually as follows: Each member of the District 22 Board of Directors may appoint one new inductee from their Area and the National Board Representative may appoint one member. Appointees are to be District 22 members in good standing who have gone far above the call of duty in service to their unit or to the district.


F. D22 Goodwill Chair

The District 22 Board of Directors will appoint a GW Committee Chair from its ranks. The Chair shall call D22 GW Committee meetings as they see fit. The Chair shall send out requests for nominations to all District 22 Unit Presidents in July of each year. Every Unit will be encouraged to nominate worthy candidates and shall submit these names to the Chair who will then forward the nominations to the appropriate Area Representatives.  The Area Representative shall make the final selection from the candidates nominated by the Unit Presidents. The Goodwill Chair will provide Goodwill Certificates along with the District 22 Goodwill Lapel Pins to the Area Representatives at the Regional Tournament held in September.


G. Rights and Privileges

All members of the D22 GW Committee receive, and are thereafter entitled to wear, the official District 22 Goodwill Committee Lapel Pin. Goodwill Lapel Pins will be provided at the district’s cost. New Goodwill Committee members will be recognized at their local club or unit game and

receive the District 22 Goodwill Certificate and District 22 Goodwill Lapel Pins from their Area Representative. Area Representatives will share a short summary of the inductee’s accomplishments at the presentation. New members will be announced in the D22 Forum and the District 22 website with a brief biography and photograph, if available.


H. ACBL Goodwill Committee Appointees

Every calendar year, the National Board Director may appoint two members of the D22 Goodwill Committee to the ACBL Aileen Osofsky Goodwill Committee. The National Board Director may make up to two additional appointments to fill district vacancies created by deaths of prior appointees.

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